“…who can prove me false…?” Job 24:25a

There may have been a hidden meaning behind this question posed by Job. The question was issued as a closing statement to his declaration of God’s certain judgment upon all people. Job challenged his friends to prove otherwise… and thereby reduce his words to nothing (v.25b). The latent meaning behind the question could mask a much more personal reason, challenging his friends to prove their charges against him.

We live in a time when proving another’s wrongdoing is not as difficult as it used to be. One’s life is being recorded in sound-bites, mega-pixels, tower-pings around the world. Audio, video and digital proof abound to prove the comings and goings of anyone. In a way, it has removed the veil of clandestine activity and
exposed those who count on maintaining their surreptitious lifestyles.

Perhaps the technological advances in surveillance have served to hinder those activities which abound in darkness and have only selfish, hedonistic objectives. Job’s question, however, smacked with an indignant defense of his friends’ indictments. He maintained his innocence and devotion to God in the face of his compassionless friends.

There are times in life when it seems everything is against you: circumstances, friends, even your own feelings. When those times come, the best defense against personal devastation is the calming assurance of God’s love and the wisdom of God’s Word. Who can prove me false?

Have a blessed day…