“Can His forces be numbered?” Job 25:3a

Bildad was the first to speak-up after Job’s challenge to be proven false (24:25a; 25:1). Keeping to his M.O., Bildad mixed truth with traditional belief. He ascribed praise to God in these words:

“’Dominion and awe belong to God; He establishes order in the heights of heaven. Can His forces be numbered? Upon whom does His light not rise?’” (vv. 2 – 3)

Once again, Bildad presented commonly accepted truth of God’s strength and mercies (which are new every morning; read Lamentations 3:23). Yes, it is true that God has the whole world in His hands… the entire dominion of the earth, and all it contains, belong to God. From the dawn of Creation, God established the design of space: the expanding dynamic of the galaxies and all the stars within them.

God’s arsenal is infinite! The ten plagues experienced by Egypt was just a sample. God can use the forces of weather, micro-organisms, asteroids, the sun, the wind, and the animal kingdom to achieve his purposes. He designed it all, and manufactured it all through a simple command from His mouth. He has both the right and the authority to use His creation as He sees fit.

Every morning, the sun’s light welcomes each of us with the promise of another day. How we live-out the minutes of that day is up to us, though the day itself is a gift… it’s what we live in – the present! The light dawns on both the just and the unjust. God gives everyone an equal chance to begin anew each day… including today.

Not only do we enjoy the daily gift of life, we are also given the daily opportunity to present our lives as a gift to God. Let Him unwrap the gift of your heart and mind – your very life this day. Yes, this is the day the Lord has made… this is the day of salvation (read 2 Corinthians 6:2)!

I know it will allow you to experience a most blessed day!