“He wraps up the waters…” Job 26:8a

Once Job asserted God’s omnipresence, he immediately followed with a description of God’s omnipotent power… the closest he would come to God’s reply to him, which comes in chapters 38 – 41. As if to outdo Bildad, Job described God’s creative genius:

  • “He spreads out the northern skies over empty space…” (v.7a, bolded for emphasis);

  • “…He suspends the earth over nothing.” (v.7b);

  • He wraps up the waters in His clouds, yet the clouds do not burst under their weight.” (v.8);

  • “He covers the face of the full moon, spreading His clouds over it.” (v.9);

  • “He marks out the horizon on the face of the waters for a boundary between light and darkness.” (v.10); and

  • “The pillars of the heavens quake, aghast at His rebuke.” (v.11).

Isn’t it intriguing how God breathed into Job such an accurate description of space? They knew nothing of space’s vacuum in that day. In fact, some thought space was a big gob of gooey substance that held everything together. They were not aware of the electro-magnetic dynamics coming into play between black holes and forming stars, stars and solar systems held together by a star’s gravitational pull.

Job was an intelligent man who studied God’s creation and marveled at the hydro-cycle in nature. He showed logical thinking skills when asserting the truth of water’s weight held by those big fluffy objects in the sky. Job also observed the light cycle of each day and the fine line separating light and darkness… similar to the fine line between truth and falsehood. Even the smallest half-truth is called into account in Heaven’s high court where Heaven’s pillars tremble at God’s rebuke. Perhaps, that was just the jab he was making to his accusing friends.

God’s omnipotence is not just shown in the big things… it’s also seen in the smallest things. All that water in the clouds is released one drop at a time. Every molecule of oxygen is released into the atmosphere one at a time. And God is able to wipe every tear from our eyes and collect them as a precious devotional sacrifice
to Him, when offered in prayer (read Psalm 56:8). It is actually a metaphor showing how God will remember our every tear and the hardships we endure for His Kingdom.

Yes, He wraps up the waters… each drop from our eyes to be considered a sacrificed to be poured out at His feet, where we, like the woman who washed Jesus’ feet with her tears (read Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9; Luke 7:36-50 and John 12:1-8), will joyfully worship at His feet.

Have a blessed day…