"...He churned up the sea..." Job 26:12a

In the next few verses, Job continued his discourse on God’s omnipotence. The words above are most likely speaking of the great flood, when the waters of the deep began to issue forth from the earth (read Genesis 7:11). It may be pointing to the creation account, though there is no description of God ‘churning up’ the waters in Genesis 1. Another reason I believe these words to be about the great flood is found in the next verse where Job described God’s breath clearing the skies (v.13).

There are two other references to God’s omnipotence which referred to sea creatures: “Rahab” and “serpent”. In fact, the earlier mention of the mountains as pillars was a metaphor showing the heavens held up by the majestic heights of rock.

Job then made a defense for himself when he said: “…these are but the outer fringe of His works; how faint the whisper we hear of Him! Who then can understand the thunder of His power?” (v.14) In other words, all the grandeur of nature – as loudly as it seems to shout – is but a faint whisper when compared to the power God could unleash. Even in calamity, then, who could possibly fully understand God’s power and the purposes behind His activities.

Job’s friends made their judgments against him from the ‘evidence’ of the devastation Job and his family experienced. Job’s defense to that argument in this instance was strong: who can understand (the why’s or purposes of) His power? It was a direct counter-argument to that posed by his friends. Job held fast to his testimony of a good life.

With that in mind, no-one today is able to fully understand God’s purpose(s) behind the pandemic which will bookmark 2020AD in the history books. With conspiracy theories abounding, this fact still remains: God is able to use the virus for stirring hearts to call-out to Him. Pray with me for an international great awakening, where many hearts will answer the prompting of God’s Spirit to come to Him in faith.

Just as He churned up the sea, pray that God will churn up the sea of humanity to know His wonderful grace.

Have a blessed day…