“…I have found a ransom…” Job 33:24c

God breathed into Elihu a remarkable phrase, hinting at a day of redemption. Elihu conjectured how an angel could be a mediator on the side of one to whom God is speaking (v.23a), and how the angel might point the right way to that chosen one (v.23b). The advocate angel would seek God’s grace on behalf of that one
God had sought out, pleading for God to spare the soul from damnation (v.24a).

As Elihu continued with his possible scenario of this heavenly activity, the advocate angel announces, I have found a ransom for him.” A ransom for individuals in need was not uncommon in their day. However, the idea of an earthly practice occurring in heaven would have been a novel idea. Their world-view of God and eternity was totally works based: good things happen to good people; bad things happen to bad people; good people get into heaven; bad people are refused entrance into heaven.

For heaven to accept a ransom for a man’s sin would have been a revolutionary concept in their day. Although there is a lot of earthly imagery in Greek mythology, those beliefs weren’t widely accepted in the faith practices of the far-east. God breathed the idea of paying for the sins of mankind into the mind of Elihu. A heavenly ransom would require a heavenly price… a perfect sacrifice… a ransom that cannot be corrupted by earthly vice or limitation. This phrase points to our perfect Savior, Jesus Christ! He is the ransom the advocate angel is speaking of! No wonder the heavenly host praised God by saying, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests.” (read Luke 2:14)

Elihu’s proposed scenario of heaven reveals the heart of angels: they are pleading for the souls of humanity to be spared the judgment of damnation. They know there is only one way for that to happen: and it happened on a hill called Mount Calvary. Ask God to impart a vision of heaven to you, showing you the ransom for your
soul. His name is Jesus; He knows you personally; and He desires for you to accept His sacrifice for the ransom of your soul.

Have a blessed day…