“…he is restored by God…” Job 33:26c

In Elihu’s conjecture of an angel mediating for a sinner, he proposed the angel pled for the transgressor, stating, “I have found a ransom for him…” (v.24). The ransom for the sinner would result in the following:

  • His body would be restored to youthful vigor (v.25);

  • God would receive his prayers (v.26a);

  • He would be restored by God and recognized as righteous (v.26c); and

  • He would see God’s face, shouting for joy (a hope of heaven(!); v.26b).

Elihu described the natural progression of a redeemed soul: he/she tells others! He described it like this:

“Then he comes to men and says, ‘I sinned, and perverted what was right, but I did not get what I deserved. He redeemed my soul from going down to the pit, and I will live to enjoy the light.’ God does all these things to a man – twice, even three times – to turn back his soul from the pit, that the light of life may shine on him.” (vv. 27 – 30)

God’s loving character is revealed in his consistent effort to seek out the lost sheep… and restore it to the flock. It’s all by His mercy and grace… all by His power… we do not have the ability or the strength to restore ourselves. When one is restored by God, one is given God’s complete acceptance, becoming a valued
member of His family… and deemed completely righteous (v.26c).

Elihu’s description of redemption did not ‘fit’ the paradigm of salvation by works. And though Elihu still held the wrong conclusion of Job’s guilt, God breathed into his mind the biblical precept of salvation by faith… and by God’s bidding – by His power, through His mercy and grace. Mercy is not getting what one deserves (v.27c); grace is getting what one doesn’t deserve through God’s loving provision.

Bad things happen to both the good and the bad; just as it rains on both the good and the bad. The ONE GOOD THING, however, that happens to all people – who are seen as sinners through the eyes of a righteous holy God – is the redemption and restoration of an errant soul. There is no sin so terrible that God’s mercy
is not able to overcome it. There is no person so desperately lost that God’s grace does not have the power to save. Ask God to speak to your heart today, then open your heart and let Jesus in. He will restore you – body and soul!

Have a blessed day…