“…He enthrones them with kings…” Job 36:7b

Elihu requested forbearance from his listeners, to further prove his argument on God’s behalf (vv. 1 – 2). Evidently, he was well traveled, bragging of his wisdom coming from far away (v.3), and which he would use in support of God’s right to judge. Elihu assured his audience that his words were true, being perfect in
knowledge (v.4)! Could pride be coming before destruction? Those were pretty heady words, coming from a young man.

Remember, God may breathe truth within the words of man… even when that man may be overconfident in his own ability and knowledge. Elihu described God as being mighty and firm in His purpose, while also esteeming man, made in His image (v.5). In other words, man could never thwart or alter God’s purposes which he outlined:

  • the wicked are not kept alive (v.6a);

  • the afflicted are assured their rights of survival (v.6b);

  • His watch-care over the righteous never lapses (v.7a);

  • the righteous are exalted forever and enthroned with kings (v.7b);

  • those who sin arrogantly are held in cords of affliction (vv. 8 – 9);

  • those who have sinned will be forced to hear correction and God’s command to repent (v. 10);

  • those obedient to God live out lives in prosperity and contentment (v.11); and

  • those who are disobedient to God perish by the sword and die in their ignorance (v.12).

Once again, then, we have a summary of a ‘just world’ view: the good are rewarded with good things; the bad are punished and suffer. Elihu had not provided any new or fresh insights from afar. This world view was so predominant for Job and his visitors, that they could not seem to get past the idea of bad things happening to good people… or even worse, bad things happening to God’s people. They were stuck in a faulty world view.

How much real truth do we see in Elihu’s description? Wicked people thrive, even in our day; human rights are being taken around the world; those who sin do so without restraint; though the wicked may hear God’s Word calling for repentance, they are hardly forced to hear it; followers of God’s way are often hindered from living freely, and are often robbed and mistreated (just look at what is happening in China); and the wicked rarely perish by the sword.

The nuggets of truth God breathed through Elihu are of God’s might, his love for mankind and his ceaseless watch-care over His children. It is not the righteous that will be exalted forever, it is The Lord, Jesus Christ Who is enthroned as King of Kings! Those made righteous by His blood will enjoy the benefits of belonging in His eternal kingdom!

Ask God to expose any faulty world view you may embrace. If you have never done so, confess that you are a sinner and thank Jesus for paying the price for those sins. Invite Jesus into your heart of hearts and thank Him for the hope of Heaven… that’s the gospel truth. You can depend on it. You won’t be enthroned as a King, but you will get to worship the King of Kings!

Have a blessed day…