“…’Where is God my Maker?’…” Job 35:10a

As Elihu continued to chastise Job for making God out to be wrong, he also reprimanded Job for speaking inappropriately about his lack of access to The Almighty. In fact, Elihu stated no one would dare ask, “’Where is God my Maker, Who gives songs in the night?’” (v.10). To Elihu, the thought of asking such a question was unconscionable. He provided support to his argument, stating God teaches mankind more than the beasts of the field or the birds of the air (v.11).

Elihu gave Job a reason why God would not answer Job’s plea for a hearing:

“…the arrogance of the wicked. Indeed, God does not listen to their empty plea; The Almighty pays no attention to it. How much less, then, will He listen when you say that you do not see Him, that your case is before Him and you must wait for Him. And further, that His anger never punishes and He does not take the least notice of wickedness.” (vv. 12 – 15)

Do you see what I see? Elihu had already exposed his own bias against Job, accusing him of scorn and contempt for the poor (see 34:7-28), and then heaps upon Job an additional charge of arrogance (v.12b). Summing up his feelings about Job’s demand for an audience with God, Elihu stated Job’s talk was nothing but empty words without knowledge (v.16)! Remember… he was standing right in front of Job, the man who had lost his children, his means to make a living, his inventory of livestock, and was close to losing his own life. Yet, the visitors and Elihu demonstrated no real compassionate response to Job’s devastation and shock.

The unfortunate thing for Job was Elihu wasn’t finished! (see 36:1-2) While Elihu played the spiritual correctness policeman, God may have actually welcomed Job’s cries. Like a child crying out for his parent, Job was seeking recourse through the only means he knew how… much like a crying infant does when in need of a diaper change or nourishment. Unlike parents who grow weary from the stress of a ready response for a crying infant, our God never slumbers or sleeps (Psalm 121:4)!

Surely, God welcomes the cries of His children – made in His very image and helpless to do nothing else but cry out to God for recourse, for intervention, for defense, and for preservation. Like a parent who boasts of His children, so God had placed Job in the center of satan’s target. God was never surprised, disappointed or puzzled by Job’s response. He knows the limits of man’s physical and emotional stress, designing us with emotional outlets for appealing to Him from the heart.

So, never be afraid to cry out and ask, “Where is God my Maker?”, for He is as close as the mention of His name… and He will provide you soothing songs in the night to comfort and encourage your heart.

Have a blessed day…