“All mankind has seen it…” Job 36:25a

In a moment of wonderment, Elihu ascribed praise to God’s greatness, stating:

All mankind has seen it; men gaze on it from afar. How great is God – beyond our understanding! The number of His years is past finding out. He draws up the drops of water, which distill as rain to the streams; the clouds pour down their moisture and abundant showers fall on mankind. Who can understand how He
spreads out the clouds, how He thunders from His pavilion? See how He scatters His lightning about Him, bathing the depths of the sea. This is the way He governs the nations and provides food in abundance. He fills His hands with lightning and commands it to strike its mark. His thunder announces the coming storm; even the cattle make known its approach.”
(vv. 25 – 33)

God was working in the mind of Elihu to prepare Job for the moment when He would speak. This part of Elihu’s argument was incontestable. All people have been awestruck at the dynamics within our ecosystem we call this world. God’s years cannot be counted, for He is, was, and always shall be. While Elihu used the water cycle and thunderstorms to provide his example of God’s greatness, when even a cow may make known the danger of an approaching storm. Sheep and cattle may often huddle together before an approaching storm, cueing the farmer to shelter them.

As a boy, I remember lying on the ground with my best friend and looking up to the sky to watch the lightning zig-zag across the night sky. It was hypnotic. We would stay as long as we could and then go inside to watch the spectacle through the safety of a window. We were usually startled by a big clap of thunder close by
when we scampered to safety inside. God’s handiwork is a wonder to behold: sunrises, sunsets, dust storms, clouds, wildlife, ocean surf, wind through the trees… each has a majesty and beauty all its own. All mankind has seen it!

What is your favorite way to see God in nature? Does it bring you to a moment of worship? If so, then you are doing what you were created to do… give God glory, praise and honor!

Have a blessed day…