“At this my heart pounds…” Job 37:1a

If Elihu were alive in our time, he may have very well become a weather man. He was not only inspired by a storm’s immensity; its power and force were all too evident to be missed as wrought by the hand of God:

  • It’s approaching rumble is like the sound of a prophet exclaiming, “Thus saith the Lord!” (v.2);

  • The reach of God’s power is like the lighting bolts which reach from the highest height to the earth (v.3);

  • Everyone knows thunder follows lightning, and it reflects the power of God’s voice when He holds nothing back – revealing new things in His time (v.4);

  • It was God’s voice which spoke all creation into existence; and it is His voice which continues to perform wonders beyond our understanding – which we cannot even begin to see (v.5);

  • God directs the water cycle in a variety of ways, releasing precipitation which not only cleanses the earth, it
    slows down man’s steps to consider God’s power and majesty (vv. 6 – 7; in Job’s day, work actually stopped, where in our day precipitation creates enough hazard for travel that it slows things down a bit);

  • The animals God created were given enough sense to know when to seek shelter from the wet weather (v.8);

  • The broad changes in weather patterns are more noticeable during extreme changes – as when it gets so cold that large lakes and rivers freeze over, demonstrating to mankind that all of nature is subservient to God’s command (v.9); and

  • Even the clouds obey where God directs their path; bringing judgment upon some through the destructive power of lightning, and blessing to others through the nourishment of the water (vv. 11 – 13).

To Elihu, lightning was God’s way of gaining the undivided attention of everyone, and thunder was the divine language of Heaven announcing the uncontestable power of The Almighty. Nature’s activity made Elihu’s heart skip a beat. Have you ever been surprised by an unexpected clap of thunder? Internally, you are quite aware that danger is close at hand and shelter is necessary. It’s almost as if God is arriving and we have to hide our face from God’s glory – it’s just too much for us to take.

At this my heart pounds, too! As you take in the wonder of God’s creation, may your heart take a leap of joy in new discoveries of God’s grace.

Have a blessed day…