“Do you know the laws…?” Job 38:33a

There are constants built into every fiber of creation. The more man delves into discovering creation, the more startling the evidence there is of a Designer behind it all. I am told that scientists discovered a unique constant for re-entry into the earth’s atmosphere: depending on the size and weight of a spacecraft, the re-entry angle is forty degrees. Any greater, and the craft would burn-up during re-entry; any less, and the craft would ricochet off the earth’s atmosphere and head back into space.

There are laws of gravity, relativity, thermodynamics, continuity & transfer, electromagnetism, motion, photonics, reflection & refraction, quantum mechanics, radiation, chemistry and geophysical constants. There may be more, but that’s all I could find in a quick search. In other words, each of these different fields of discovery have enough constants about them for scientists to accurately predict outcomes. Which is why, even though we are hurling through space at approximately 67,000 mph, the sky at night still looks the same… because everything else is moving as well!

God’s questions on the universe and space were the most challenging yet for Job:

  • “Can you bind the beautiful Pleiades?” (v.31a)

  • “Can you loose the cords of Orion?” (v.31b)

  • “Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons or lead out the Bear with its cubs?” (v.32)

  • Do you know the laws of the heavens?” (v.33a)

  • “Can you set up God’s dominion over the earth?” (v.33b)

The Pleiades are a group of more than 800 stars located in the constellation called Taurus over 400 light years from earth. Orion is a constellation on the celestial equator of our galaxy and is one of the most prominent in the earth’s night sky. The bear is the constellation astrologists have named Ursa Major, and its most recognizable stars make-up what most know as The Big Dipper. All of these constellations, like earth and our solar system, are moving farther apart in an expanding universe. However, there are still measurable constants scientists have discovered for understanding dynamics in other fields of study, such as navigation (which is why the GPS in our smart phones is fairly reliable).

Just as God has established universal laws within creation, He has also established laws for living which are knowable, and which, together, can act as a reliable compass for navigating through life’s tough decisions. God’s dominion over the heaven’s and the earth is observable in His universal laws, yet He gives humanity the freedom to choose how one should live. Frances Schaffer, author of the book: “How Should We Then Live”, described that process in the following way:

“Most people catch their presuppositions from their family and surrounding society, the way that a child catches the measles. But people with understanding realize that their presuppositions should be chosen after a careful consideration of which worldview is true.”

Truth is most accurate when it can lead to reliable and accurate conclusions. The evidence of a Great Designer is irrefutable – for creation is too perfect to assume some random cataclysmic and terrible action began a process that would lead to life. Do you know the laws of the heavens… or for that matter, of God’s way leading to a blessed life, yielding His peace as you walk in His presence? The apostle Paul asserted one would have no excuse when standing before the judgement seat of Christ, for everything that is created points to The Creator:

“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities - His eternal power and divine nature - have been understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.” (Romans 1:20)

Begin to discover God’s way to abundant living today and call out to Him, asking Him to lead you to the way that leads to His peace.

Have a blessed day…