“Do they report to you…?” Job 38:35b

Returning to the work of weather, God questioned Job further:

  • “Can you raise your voice to the clouds and cover yourself with a flood of water?” (v.34)

  • “Do you send the lightning bolts on their way?” (v.35a)

  • Do they report to you, ‘Here we are’?” (v.35b)

God’s still small voice can be louder than the loudest clap of thunder coming from the clouds. To God, water flowing out of its banks and seemingly out of control is still under His authority. As random as we may think lightning bolts occur, God has a purpose and time for everything in His creation. In fact, all creation reports to God, knowing the language of The Creator. Even the stars glorify Him together (38:7).

God’s queries may lead one to personally consider them as if they had been directed to him/her, leading to the decisive conclusion that man can never assume God’s role as Creator, Maintainer, Sustainer, Redeemer, Restorer, and Ruler. We do not have the capacity, ability, or wisdom to be God. If you should ever dare to think such, just ask the same question God presented to Job: Do they report to you? Yes, man is given dominion over God’s creation (see Genesis 1:26; 9:2; Psalm 8:6; Hebrews 2:8; and James 3:7), but His creation still does not actually report to man. God’s ways are much higher than our ways. The best we can do is agree with His ways and walk in His paths. Nevertheless, countless souls reject God’s way and Word.

God’s Word is a lamp to our feet (Psalm 119:105) – guiding us in the upward walk of goodness and rightness. When we walk in His way, our lives are made better, qualitatively richer, and wiser. As we learn to trust Him with all our tomorrows, we grow in faith and the resolve to overcome any influence of this world seeking to thwart our faith-walk.

Really, the most dangerous place to be at times may be living in His faith – yet, the most secure place to ever be is in His loving hands. Trust Him today.

Have a blessed day…