“…God comes in awesome majesty.” Job 37:22b

Though young Elihu continued to dispense his wisdom on knowing God. So, he presented two rhetorical questions, the second, to show the absurdity of the first (v.20). If anyone dared to interject his/her complaint before God, then certain destruction was likely. To clarify his point, Elihu used the brilliance of the sun to compare with God’s presence… especially after winds have dispersed dust and clouds from covering it (v.21). We cannot bear to look upon the sun. How, then, could one begin to look upon Almighty God?

Elihu asserted that God was beyond the reach of man, and is exalted in power upon Heaven’s throne (v.23a). Mankind worships God for His great righteousness and justice, which is exercised without oppressing humanity (vv.23b-24a). God breathed through Elihu the certainty of God’s high regard for those who are wise in heart… those who have embraced His holy way for living (v.24b).

Elihu’s description points to the returning Christ – as The One Who conquered death and hell, vanquishing the power of sin over man. Jesus, Emanuel, God with us… will come in awesome majesty as King of kings and Lord of lords. His arrival is the crowning moment of God’s relentless pursuit of man – made in His image.

Though God is exalted in power, He is not beyond the reach of man. In fact, He’s as close as the mention of His name… Jesus. Call out to Him and He will answer. Share your heart’s burden, for He will surely ease it.

Have a blessed day…