“Then The Lord answered Job…” Job 38:1a

Through the past thirty-seven chapters of Job, we have witnessed Job’s trauma and anguish – multiplied by the visit of his accusing friends. Job could not make sense of why such destructive catastrophes had struck his household, destroying his family and business. His world view would never have predicted the sad state of affairs in which he found himself immersed. He was a man of great faith and of the highest integrity, and bad things just didn’t happen to good people good. Or did he just not pay attention to reality? Job had no solution to his problem of suffering, demanding an audience with The Almighty as he repeatedly proclaimed his integrity and steadfastness of faith in God.

How will God answer Job? Will God provide an answer to explain Job’s recent devastation? SPOILER ALERT: in chapters 38 – 41, God says NOTHING about Job’s problems, his losses, or his anguish. Instead God DOES speak to Job about creation and how it reflects His wisdom and power. In the days ahead, we will discover a vitally missing precept in the thinking of most people today: this world is broken! And it’s been broken since the fall of man in The Garden of Eden. All the trouble going on in our own time – it’s a product of a broken world order.

Henry M. Morris, in his book, The Wonder of It All, states: “…a correct and complete doctrine of creation is the answer to all the problems that burden this present hurting world.” Morris contends that the four-chapter address to Job by God is the climax of the book’s message and is unparalleled to anything else in the Bible*. God’s own words provide the key to living victoriously through the episodes of pain, upheaval, turbulence, destruction, sorrow and hopelessness.

Tune-in through these four chapters and discover with me some awesome answers relative to our own time. Until then,

Have a blessed day…

*The Wonder of It All, by Morris, Henry M.; ©2000 by New Leaf Press / Master Books, Green Forest Arkansas. ISBN: 0-89221-493-7