“Brace yourself like a man…” Job 38:3a

Manning-up is no new concept. I love how God breathed this phrase in Job’s story. Basically, God told Job to ‘man-up’… to face Him without quivering. You see, evidently, during the dialogue between Job and Elihu, a rather large storm developed. Both Job and Elihu used the storm as an illustration in their ‘arguments’. Then suddenly God spoke out of the storm (v.1).

It must have been an incredibly frightening experience – to hear God’s voice clearly speaking from the storm’s rumblings. And what did Job and those present hear? They heard God address Job directly, asking, “Who is this that darkens my counsel with words without knowledge?” (v.2) If it were me, I would have dropped to my knees. Not from reverence, but from sheer terror! Job may have done the same. In any case, God quickly disarmed Job’s expectations to present his case before Heaven.

The Almighty quickly pressed Job’s ‘reset’ button with the words, Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me.” (v.3) In other words, Job would be denied any expectation to state his complaints. Job was reminded just Who was in charge, and it wasn’t Job almighty.

Perhaps that’s what we need to know today and every day. God is still in control. He’s in charge, we’re not. He can make all things work together for the good… even the horror mankind inflicts upon each other. If He used the crucifixion to bring salvation to man, and the resurrection to bring eternal life, He is able to bring some form of healing to this world through the recent series of events.

How are we to demonstrate our confidence in Him for our lives today? As we live, move and breathe, we do the possible and trust Him for the impossible. We may even do the ordinary, while trusting Him to bring about the extraordinary. We do what we are naturally equipped to do and trust God to do the supernatural.

Brace yourself like the man or woman God designed you to be and forge on in life. Trust God daily, taking up your cross as you follow Him (Matthew 16:24). Only He can make all things new again (Revelation 21:5).

Have a blessed day…