“Tell me, if you understand…” Job 38:4b

God released an avalanche of questions to Job, and they weren’t necessarily rhetorical either. Today, we will look at the first three:

1.     “Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? Tell me, if you understand.” (v.4) Any architect will tell you there is no construction without a plan, and there is no plan without a purpose. God’s first question reveals He had both a purpose and a plan for earth’s existence, just as He has a plan for every human life made in His image.

2.     “Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know!” (v.5) Scientists have been amazed how perfect the earth’s size, distance from the sun, orbit, and make-up all combine to provide a perfect environment for life. If the earth were much bigger, it would affect its orbit around the sun which could possibly alter seasonal temperatures. If the earth’s distance from the sun were changed, life on earth would possibly either freeze to death or roast to death! We live in a perfect location… and we all know it’s all about location!

3.     “On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?” (v.6) As I said in the first point, God had a plan, and I believe He let all Heaven in on it: designing earth for a great Heavenly drama which would lead to Heaven’s coronation of an eternal King! Have you ever wondered why the morning stars sang together and the angels shouted for joy? It’s because, before the fall of man, all creation and all the angels delighted in the joy of knowing God’s plan for His perfect creation – a creation that will be restored upon Christ’s return.

These three questions echo through thousands of years to reach our hearts today. Do you believe this life originated by chance? That all we see happened by some cosmic accident? Life makes no sense whatsoever without the biblical perspective of God’s plan and purpose. His plan included you and His purpose for that was to surprise you with the joy of His salvation through Jesus Christ. The Bible actually makes sense… there is a crimson thread of redemption throughout pointing to The Savior, Jesus Christ.

Tell me, if you understand, God’s plan and purpose for your life and how God is working in and through you to achieve it. I look forward to hearing from you. Post below.

Have a blessed day…