“No one is fierce enough…” Job 41:10a

The Almighty challenged Job’s assumption of approaching Him with accusations, as similar to that of one who would rouse a sleeping crocodile (v.10). If anyone tried, they would surely never forget it, and never try again (review v.8). The same is true when one challenges the wisdom of God’s providence. There may be bold words on earth, only to kneel before His judgment seat and proclaim Him as Lord (read Isaiah 45:23; Romans 14:11; and Philippians 2:10).

God provided Job a follow-up question: “Who then is able to stand against me?” (v.10b) As Creator of the fierce crocodile, how much more guarded must man be in approaching God with preconceptions and agendas contrary to God’s way of redemption. Job had been as one approaching a resting reptile, demanding an audience with his Creator.

So, God pointedly asked Job, “Who has a claim against Me that I must pay? Everything under heaven belongs to Me.” (v.11) Finally, Job had to come face to face with the fact that everything – including all life – is the property of The Creator… even Job himself (read Ephesians 2:10). God has a right to control how He sees fit. However, God neither sees or treats us as toys to be discarded at His leisure. We are unique among all creation, being made in His image – with a heart that is able to discern good from evil, right from wrong. This spiritual side of man allows one to enter into relationship with His Creator.

God is Ruler and Sustainer of all there is, and He never slumbers or sleeps (read Psalm 121:4). No one is fierce enough to approach Him unannounced or uninvited. After all, He is The King. Even satan had to give an accounting for his actions. Believers, though, can approach Him unhindered – as His children (read Romans 5:2: Hebrews 10:19).

We need not muster any courage to approach our Father. He is already waiting for us; ready to welcome us into His open arms.

Have a blessed day…