“Will traders barter for him?” Job 41:6a

“Will traders barter for him?” Job 41:6a

Just as a crocodile would never submit to any agreement making him a slave for life (v.4), so the monster would be totally inappropriate as a leashed pet for one’s daughters (v.5). Neither would traders ever have attempted to barter for the croc, unless a way was found to kill the beast and divide him up (vv. 6 – 7). In Job’s day, harpoons and spears had no ability to penetrate the well armored leviathan.

God reminded Job the reality of the croc’s fierce and quick reflexive maneuvers to defend himself, becoming the aggressor, and not the victim… the hunter, and not the hunted. In fact, anyone who would dare lay a hand on the reptile would wish to take back the decision; and if one lived to tell about it, surely one would never attempt to do it again (v.8).

Any hope of subduing the crocodile (singlehandedly) is false, as the mere sight of the monster is enough to send cold chills down one’s spine (v.9). The reptile is wild and knows no other reality but to live wild… defending his territory and freedom to the death.

Could God be using the crocodile as an example of His fierce love for humanity? The Lord Himself, defended His territory of the souls of man, and died to prove it. I believe the phrase, “Will traders barter for him?” is prophetic and points directly to Christ’s death on the cross. They divided up his clothing among themselves (see Matthew 27:35), and bartered for his clothes using dice.

God’s love for us is extreme, wild and untamed… as fierce as the crocodile’s power and temper. His love is a force not to be reckoned with lightly. When God speaks, one best reply as the boy prophet Samuel did, “Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.” (read 1 Samuel 3:1-10) He’s just wild about you!

Have a blessed day…