“Strength resides in his neck…” Job 41:22a

This next passage reveals the full measure of God’s artistry in describing the crocodile:

“His back has rows of shields tightly sealed together; each is so close to the next that no air can pass between. They are joined fast to one another; they cling together and cannot be parted. His snorting throws out flashes of light; his eyes are like the rays of dawn. Firebrands stream from his mouth; sparks of fire shoot out. Smoke pours from his nostrils as from a boiling pot over a fire of reeds. His breath sets coals ablaze, and flames dart from his mouth.” (vv. 15 – 21)

Even the casual reader would notice the shift from pure observable descriptions to a more poetic description of the beast. Why the change? Well, I believe God had a purpose for it: to describe the one who roused a third of heaven in a celestial civil war against The Almighty. Before satan was called by that name, he was a cherub angel that covered the throne of God with his wings (read Ezekiel 28:14). This role held the highest esteem among all the angels and intimated his close proximity to The Almighty.

In eternity past, this cherub angel known as the “bright and shining one” (Isaiah 14:12), which in Hebrew is, “ הֵילֵ֣ל” (pronounced, hal ‘al). When the Latin Vulgate was created (translating the Hebrew literature that had been canonized, what we know as The Old Testament, into Latin), the translated Latin word was not a proper name, but an adjective – to accurately reflect the original Hebrew word. Most theologians agree on the retelling of Lucifer’s fall, found in Ezekiel 28:12-17, when he became so enamored with himself that he began coveting God’s rightful position as King – wanting glory God was receiving to be transferred in recognizing his high rank and the prestige of being so close to The Almighty.

With the aforementioned in mind, let us look at the Job passage sited above: satan is so wound up that he is ‘uptight’ – his shields tightly sealed together intimates that the bright and shining one was closed to other relationships… it was all about himself. His snorting that sent out flashes of light seems to intimate the contentious spirit of Lucifer after his pride overcame him. And firebrands streaming from his mouth cannot be confused with anything other than insurrection, fueling the fires of angelic mutiny. Sad to think about… the two words don’t seem to go together do they… “angelic mutiny”.

Then, The Almighty described the beast’s neck, stating, Strength resides in his neck; dismay goes before him.” (v.22) Lucifer knew God had bestowed many positive traits upon him: light, a wide wing-span to cover Heaven’s throne, and, perhaps, strength. Like the fierce crock, Lucifer may have been able to turn his neck quickly and castigate any angels who would dare approach him in a corrective move (vv. 23 – 24). Perhaps he intimidated the heavenly creatures with a chest as hard as rock… even the mighty arch angels may have retreated before him in terror (v.25).

Perhaps the heavenly arsenal was useless against him as well: the sword had no effect; neither did the spear, dart or javelin. They were as straw and rotten wood (vv. 26 – 27). Arrows and sling-stones were only a nuisance to him (v.28); and a war club had about as much an effect on him as a piece of straw (v.29a). Satan’s insurrection became so evident that he laughed at the preparations heaven made to remove him from Heaven (v.29b).

So, we see that God may breathe one part of scripture to reflect His own might and fierceness, while inspiring the very next section for His purposes for describing a time that must have broken His heart: civil war in Heaven. Oh, how He must have grieved when one third of the legions of angels were ejected from His Kingdom… never to return.

Perhaps, that is the origin of sin? Before creation or this dimension ever existed, eternity past recorded this dreadful insurrection, proving God’s might and justice when His side won (spoiler alert: God always wins… always… in the end He will win).

Do any of the croc’s characteristics have a familiar ring? Would others describe you in the same way God may have been describing satan? Turn your neck away from pride and bow the head and knee to The King of Kings. It will be far better to bow before Him now, acknowledging Him as your Savior and Lord, than to bow before Him at the judgment and be forced to acknowledge His Lordship (read Romans 14:11; Philippians 2:10).

Have a blessed day…