“…he leaves a glistening wake…” Job 41:32a

The Almighty completed His teachable moment for Job with final remarks on the leviathan. Note how God becomes more definitive in His remarks:

  • “He makes the depths churn like a boiling caldron…” (v.31a);

  • “…and stirs-up the sea like a pot of ointment.” (v.31b);

  • “Behind him, he leaves a glistening wake…” (v.32a);

  • “Nothing on earth is his equal – a creature without fear.” (v.33);

  • “He looks down on all that are haughty…” (v.34a); and

  • “…he is king over all that are proud.” (v.34b)

Verse thirty-one depicts a character trait of satan always stirring things up. The very next verse remarks on the results of Beelzebub’s activity: leaving a wake that looks like a bull in a china shop – broken, glistening shards of glass everywhere… enough to make the bottom of the lake look as if a bus-load of seniors just got a haircut (v.32b).

All creatures on earth, including man, have a fight or flight impulse built into their defensive mechanisms. The crocodile, however, is described as a creature without fear. In his foolishness, satan did achieve some measure of royalty… he became king of all the proud – the very action that precipitated his fall from Heaven. Indeed, pride does go before a fall.

What kind of wake do you leave behind? If someone bumps a person holding a cup of hot coffee, the coffee is likely to spill over. What would come spilling over from within the person? If you get bumped by life, what spills over to those around you? A wake of destruction or a wake of self-control and peace.

Jesus said we would be known by our fruits (read Matthew 7:16-20; also Galatians 5:22-23). Are the fruits mentioned in Galatians the kind of responses you give whenever you are ‘bumped’ in life?

He leaves a glistening wake may very well be God’s description of the accuser. It was by his accusations this entire episode in Job’s life began. Pray for God to give us eyes to see, that we may be aware of the unseen events going on in the spiritual dimension… and pray for strength in case God points you out to satan as an outstanding example of righteous living.

Have a blessed day…