“…You can do all things…” Job 42:2a

Job’s spiritual eyes had been blinded by trauma. The time of sorrow was now past, for Job understood what God had been saying to him: God is in charge and no one is able to take His place. Job professed that his knowledge base had expanded – he realized God could do all things.

By finally bowing his knee to God’s supremacy, Job demonstrated his trust in God’s heart and wisdom confessing, “…no plan of Yours can be thwarted.” (v.2b) This confession was made before God revealed the entire story-line to Job (see v.7). What Elihu had tried to persuade Job to do through philosophical argument, God accomplished through revelation of His creation and its sustenance by His divine hand.

When the believing heart lives life from the perspective of Job’s confession, nothing in life is too difficult to endure. Trusting God is a daily exercise of confidence in the wisdom and love God abundantly supplies to His own. The more trust is exercised, the stronger the muscle of faith becomes, for trust is the benchpress of faith’s development.

O God, You can do all things, and we trust You to work through the turbulence of our day to offer Your salvation to man. Blow away the fog of faithlessness; sweep away the chaff of useless fretting; and breathe across our land, stirring the waves of revival and renewal. Do it again, Lord… send a great awakening across our land.

In the name above every name, we pray… amen.

NOTE: Go to www.thereturn.org to be a part of the prayer network seeking another great awakening in our day. Watch this video to learn more:
