“…The Word was with God…” John 1:1b

Logos… the Greek word for “reason”, “plan”, or “word” (as in, let me share a word with you). Roman thought embraced and promulgated the Grecian philosophy of reason, developing schools of thought which echo into our current times. John, an uneducated fisherman, seemed to have had an epiphany of thought when God breathed through him the idea of the living reason: a cosmological proof of God’s existence, as well as the pre-existence of Christ within the God-head. (Of course, we cannot discount the three years of being taught by The Master Teacher, Jesus Christ.)

Thus, John began his gospel (the retelling of Christ’s life) with a captivating thought to the Romans and Greeks: “In the beginning was The Word…” (v. 1a). In other words, it could possibly mean The One Who is of perfect reason has always been. This One of perfect reason has not only always existed, but existed with God, and in fact was (or is) God (v.1c). God speaking through John made it clear that He has always existed and has existed in perfect community with Himself.

A clarifying statement was added: “He was with God in the beginning.” (v.2) The Perfect Reason, Who existed with and as God, has always been a component of the God-head… they have always existed together. This precept is foundational to any thought about God, for one could never assume that God came into being. He has always existed, exists in perfect trinity today, and will always exist into eternity.

Humanity cannot grasp such a thought. It can only be accepted and understood through faith. It is faith that is supplied by God Himself, allowing one to acknowledge Him as God and Savior. God existing as The Word is significant in so many ways, though for today, He is The Word… alive, reasonable, personable, and knowable.

Let’s begin a journey which will peer into the life of Christ, and discover, or rediscover for some, the awesome wonder of Christ’s love and reasonable wisdom.

Have a blessed day…