“…without Him nothing was made…” John 1:3b

The Word has always been with God… even from the beginning of earthly time (v.2). Though this person known in Heaven as The Word of God (Re. 19:13) is the very same Word that John described in verses 1-2. He has always existed in community with God, The Father and God, The Holy Spirit. You may be asking how this occurs? Jesus taught that since the creation, God’s invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen through what was made (Romans 1:20).

For example: look at a peach. When you first see the fruit, it is recognized by its color and shape. However, if you remove the skin – the outer layer, what do you have? You still have that piece of fruit… but, it’s still recognizable, just through a different sensory cue, like color or texture… or even taste! Once you’ve removed the fruit’s pulp, what is left? The center that’s left contains the fruit’s seed. That peach is made up of three components: the skin, the fruit pulp, and the seed(s). All of them combine to make what is recognized and named appropriately for what it is.

When you eat the pulp of the peach and someone asks you what you are eating, most would say, “I’m eating a peach.” Not many would say they were eating ‘peach pulp’ or the meat of the peach. So, perhaps the peach may be one of God’s ways He created to reveal the invisible qualities of His triune nature: The Father, Who may be the center of the God-head; The Son, Whose martyred body is remembered when eating the bread of the Lord’s supper; and The Holy Spirit, Whose omnipresence acts as The Comforter and Teacher of the saints (that’s not to say that omnipresence is absent from the qualities of The Father or The Son).

Through Him, God incarnate – The Word that has always existed with and as God – all things were created (v. 3a), and nothing that exists in this world could have ever been made without the command of The Word which spoke it into existence (read Genesis 1 – 2:3; John 1:3b). In fact, another character trait of God is life: in Him was life – and life (Jesus described Himself as The Way, The Truth and The Life, read John 14:6) always produces life. Another aspect of God’s nature is as Life-giver. God’s will for His children is life, and the kind of life that knows abundant blessings (Jeremiah 29:11; John 10:10).

The life God offers is not only abundant, promising a blessed future with Him, it has the power to influence others with God’s goodness… acting as light in darkness. It makes God’s way for good living obvious to others. Yet, even then, others reject the light because they have not experienced God’s awakening grace to understand the blessing of His mercies and grace. God’s mercies are new every morning (read Lamentations 3:22-23) and His grace is always sufficient for every occasion (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Yes, God is always just as close as the mention of His name. Call on Him today and trust His perfect wisdom. Stick with Him through hardship and trials, for He will make a way for you.

Have a blessed day…